Friday 30 January 2015

Dying Light? Already? - January 31, 2015

“Dying Light” Already?
By: VjoogerPerson

                With the game being less than a week old, “Dying Light” has sparked some attention for itself, but is it too soon? Since it is (at time of writing this) in its first few days of release, it is of course still a buggy, laggy, and glitchy game. There is even a game-breaking exploit, allowing you to duplicate weapons, granting you unlimited money very fast. The game is very un-optimized for a full release, if you look at “Jacksepticeye"’s first video on this game ( he has a beast of a PC but if you watch carefully occasionally you can really see a drop of frames, especially in fight and sightseeing scenes. These two factors combined can make people lose interest in the game very fast when it is only a baby, so to speak.

                There are already a ton of advertisements on many websites advertising this game, and I really don’t think the game is ready for this amount of people to be playing, exploiting, and making their first impressions. For a game being in full release, but looking more like an early access, it doesn’t contain what is needed for the game to catch so many people’s attention. Bringing people in now will only be showing a great potential, it’s like showing someone your almost completed painting.

                One thing I would like to point out is the fact that this game resembles so much “FarCry” and “Deadrising” to me. I was watching a “Dying Light” advertisement one afternoon and at first I had no knowledge that it was for “Dying Light”, and my number one thought was that “Ubisoft” or “Crytek Studios” were adding some sort of zombie DLC to “FarCry 4”. The player modeling, the map, and especially the arms of your character look a lot like “FarCry” to me. “Dying Light” is similar to “Deadrising” in my opinion because of the gameplay, I see it as being very similar, killing zombies (Like we don’t have enough of that) with interesting weapons, and a large variety of different zombie types, with a subtle story. Ring any bells?

                Other then all these errors I see in the Marketing of the game, I still am an advocate for it, and am planning on purchasing it when they fix a few of the problems I’ve spoken of here. I feel it can bring back “Zombie” games to an extent and I am interested in seeing where this game goes, and I certainly hope it goes well, but I just feel that “Dying Light” is going to be dying out of the spotlight pretty soon.

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This article was written by: VjoogerPerson

Published: January 31st, 2015

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